Merger Legalization

Legal Procedures for Merger, Amalgamations, and Take-over

A merger is mainly a combination of two companies, where one corporation is mostly absorbed by another firm. The less vital company will be the one losing its identity and becoming part of more important corporation, which will then retain its identity. It might actually involve consolidation or absorption.

In some stages, merger is defined as amalgamation. Merger is primarily the fusion of two or even more existing firms. All the liabilities, assets and stock of a firm stand transferred to the transferee firm in consideration of payment. The payment takes place in form of equity shares in Transferee Company, cash, debentures in Transferee Company or even a mix of all the points mentioned above. If you want any help to cover the legal procedures for amalgamation, merger and takeover, we, at SDP Consulting Pvt Ltd, will always be there to serve you right. We are ready to cover some of the best legal consulting services, featuring the sections mentioned below, in particular.

Section 391:

We will help you understand and file a case under Section 391. As per the Indian Penal Code, Section 391 is placed under the term Dacoity. Whenever five or more people together attempt to commit or even commit a robbery, or where the whole team conjointly committing a robbery or attempting one, and persons who are present and aiding such attempt is said to commit dacoity.

Section 392:

Also termed as punishment for robbery, Section 392 is what we are able to cover. Whoever is committing robbery shall always be punished with some rigorous imprisonment for a team, which can easily extend up to 10 years. It is also liable to fine. In case the robbery is committed on highway right between sunset and sunrise, the imprisonment can further be extended to a maximum period of 14 years.

Section 393:

As per the Indian Central Government Act, Section 393 is mainly termed as “attempt to commit robbery”. Whoever is trying to commit robbery will be punished with some of the rigorous imprisonment for term. The term can easily be extended to 7 long years and also make liable to fine.

Section 394:

As per the IPC rule, Section 394 is voluntarily causing hurt while committing robbery. If any person, in attempting or committing to commit robbery, or even voluntarily hurting anyone, that person or any other person concerned in the task jointly, will be punished with 1 year of imprisonment, or with rigorous improvement for any term, which can extend up to 10 years. Not only that, but the culprit is also liable to fine.

Section 395:

This section under IPC talks about punishment for dacoity. Whoever is likely to commit dacoity will be punished with 1 year of imprisonment or with rigorous imprisonment which will extend up to 10 years. It comes with liability to pay fine as well.

To learn more about these terms and the legal procedures involved, make sure to give us a call. Our consulting team is right here to help you take all the legal actions, step by step, just to ensure a promising result. Depending on the rigidness of the case and extend of injury, the punishment is likely to vary. It depends how you are likely to present it in front of the court. Our consultation team is right there for you.