Indian Pharmaceutical

Experience in Medicine Sector

As one of the most reliable professional services firm, SPD Consulting Pvt Ltd is committed to providing the necessary benefits from the experience it gains from working with a large base of clients in the Indian pharmaceutical scenario. Besides, we have professional with depth and breadth of knowledge to serve the requirements of the pharmaceutical industries. The Indian pharma industry boasts of a significant position around the globe. In terms of values and volume, the pharmaceutical company in India, is massive and the best among the global leaders.

While this industry is heading towards the next phase of growth due to the soft towards special products, customer-centric approach, improving the quality, efficiency, and productivity, we are here to help them at the top of the global markets. We are here to help the Indian pharmaceuticals with effective and robust solutions to deal with the complexities in this sector. Our extensive experience in life sciences and pharmaceuticals allow us to address the major challenges that they face in R&D, sales and marketing, and supply and chain. Besides, we work with our clients to understand the environment and make sure that our solutions meet their requirements appropriately.

An amalgamation of marketing, scientific, regulatory, and technical forces imply that a rapid set of changes are likely to occur in the Indian pharmaceutical company. Therefore, supply chain process and manufacturing wing of the Indian pharma sector will also undergo changes in the future. Therefore, the companies need to synchronise with IT investment to improve the manufacturing and supply chain in the near future. Pharma companies need to gear up their quality in manufacturing compliances to make the supply chain cost effective.

We assist clients in the following ways.

  • Enhancing the quality of transformation, remediation of FDA, and making it ready for inspection.
  • Due diligence of operations and facilities
  • Changing the strategies of manufacturing and expansion of footprints.
  • Optimising the supply chain transformation and excellence of operations.
  • Improvement in sourcing strategies and logistics.
  • Improvement in productivity, productions, and operations.
  • Integration of planning and using technology to support post sales.

While assisting and supporting the clients, we maximise the knowledge and skills of our team of professionals.