ERP Implementation

Importance of ERP implementation

Ideally an implementation of ERP involves installing the software, moving financial data over to the new system, configuring users, processes and lastly, training your users on the software. Choosing the right partner for implementing your ERP system is very important like selecting the best suited software.

ERP solution should work as the core of the business process. Bugs and errors in the system will unstable the core business. As a result, it demotivates the entire implementation team resulting notable losses in revenues and brand image of the enterprise.

Most of the ERP solutions make commitment on raw and generic features that need hours to understand the customization quantum. Integration and customization offered by most of the ERP vendors is relatively costly affair compare to their one-time cost. Even the customization is error prone in most of the cases. The whole process takes time that can not be affordable by the clients, resulting unsuccessful implementation.

Every organization has it’s own uniqueness that should be addressed properly by the ERP vendors before selling the product. Otherwise separate independent entity be created by the customer for customization and implementation to save time and cost. The entire implementation procedure should also be certified by the competent authority so that all statutory reports come correctly on time.

We at SPD Consulting provide the end to end support for the whole cycle from choosing the ERP vendors to delivering statutory reports on time. We assure that our methodology will help the client to get better ROI on time.