Business Restructuring

Law & Tax Consultancy

Within the last few years as Indian Economy went through a slowdown, banks have actually accumulated higher levels of loans due to inadequate credit monitoring and assessment. There has been one significant rise in the stressed loans emanating from multiple industries, including power sector, infrastructure, steel and iron, mining and aviation, textiles and more, which necessitates business restructuring even more pressing.

The present approach for managing loans under stress is by applying for some short term measures and keep loan current in place of formulating end to end solution on recovery. It might require some changes in management, and further work on long term debt restructuring, hassle-free liquidation and even work on recovery process in place. Obviously, restructuring your business is always the prime call to make.

With the insolvency and the bankruptcy code 2016, Indian government make way for a rational and even quicker method for setting up NBPA issue. At, SPD Consulting Pvt. Ltd., we have a team to help companies which are mainly under stress and lenders looking for some ways to revive of non-performing assets.

We have our value propositions within our technical strength to understand customer requirements in a precise manner and deliver to their satisfaction and needs. Moreover our focused teams comprise of qualified finance and accounting experts, industrial professionals and forensic experts. We have wide ranges of clients across multiple sectors like IT, manufacturing, ecommerce, Pharma, BFSI and more.

Merger / Amalgamation:

We are here to present you with high and effectual amalgamation services to all the business enterprising. We are here to assist our clients in the complete method of merger and amalgamation. Right now, amalgamation is a growing trend in business world and it results in forming stronger, new, stable and larger firm. It might also result in expansion and growth of newly formed firm. Get our amalgamation services for:

  • Using economic, technical, financial and other sources in an effective manner
  • For eliminating competition among companies
  • To procure business, economic and other company goals in efficient manner
  • Carrying on businesses of a company in a more efficient and economic manner
  • For expanding operation or business of any firm

We are here to provide you with effectual amalgamation services to cover business enterprising. We even help in local government based amalgamation at every step procedure. This business restructuring services are made accessible with us at leading prices to give leverage to other smaller firms.


Demerger is mainly targeted as a form of corporate restructuring, which is then undertaken by firms to promote specialization. It helps a firm to expand its operations in a rather systematic manner. Join us to get some help in this regard. Whether you are looking to get help with statutory demerger, liquidation demerger or even capital reduction demerger, we have everything covered for you.

Acquisitions and Takeovers:

There are multiple reasons for a business to acquire with another one. The most common factor is the potential growth of business. Furthermore, proficient acquisition can help reduce costs of the current developing business activities, which will complement the strength of a firm. This further acquisition will also help in increasing the current supply chain pricing power. So, make sure to join us for the right acquisition and takeover steps to follow.

Under our takeover services, we will provide you with step by step procedures to purchase any one company by another. Since takeovers will mostly require loans as provided by banks to server the offer, banks are willing to back a hostile bidder. We will set that connection between banks to help you get the best loans if needed.

Joint Venture:

Joint Venture happens to be an ideal option when two or even more entities are willing to share unique synergies, strengths and capabilities in some geographical areas or even business functions, but don’t want to lose own identity. Our professionals are well adept to help out business owners to navigate through multiple product and corporate strategies with one another for creating clearer benefits for joint venture participants. We help our clients over here to master multiple aspects of addressing successful joint venture in India. We will consult with you for maximizing results from this current joint venture procedure.

Major points to consult on joint venture procedure.

  • At first, we will offer you with a strategy. For that, we will review the business strategy first before committing to joint venture.
  • We will be there to help you find the perfect partner for your business, with the skills, resources and assets that will complement your own.
  • Valuation is yet another service from our side. Failing to identity proper valuation technique might result in paying exorbitant price for asset. We have a process ready to help you arrive at fair business valuation for joint venture.
  • We have a separate team working on the agreement values. Right from negotiation to the steps of drafting, and even the finalization procedure, we have everything covered for you.
  • We will advise you on the joint venture mode well. Our experience will help suggest some of the most suitable structures for you, keeping in view with the operations.
  • It is vital to have Exit clause if the venture fails to work. We will suggest you with multiple ways to work on this like buyouts, stake sales and acquisitions. We will further guide you to create some of the predefined metrics. If you fail to meet, this exist venture will help you get out of the mess without breaking a sweat.

Buy back securities:

Buy back securities can be defined as a procedure, which helps a cash rich firm purchase its own shares from members and cancel them after the purchase has been made. This Buy Back operation is primarily undertaken by any company as its capital re-structuring strategy through which excessive paid up shared capital will get extinguished. We have successfully completed some of the best buy back offers and would like to do the same for you in near future as well. So, if you need help with Buy back securities, you have come to the right place by joining us now!

Reduction of Capital:

Capital reduction is primarily a procedure of decreasing the shareholder equity of a company through share repurchases and share cancellations, also stated as share buybacks. This current reduction of capital is mainly done by firms for various reasons which will include increased shareholder value and even producing a rather efficient capital structure. If you need help with reduction of capital, make sure to get to us now and improve your chances of a better business now.

Advantages Of Business Restructuring:

The corporate restructuring procedure will follow some of the major stages in here. It helps determining areas to restructure and identify weakness and create detailed plans for correcting these weaknesses through restructure. A proper help can work on implementing short term corrective action and calculating and even securing funding. The final states are restructuring and evaluating results.

There are various reasons for a company to restructure and many benefits related to it. Some benefits are financial like increasing company’s value, reviving declining business, preparing it for selling or transferring to next generation. Also few other benefits will involve gaining competitive advantage like helping company position itself for growth, and even allowing for adding new accounts or even enabling expansion in some other geographical areas. Some of the benefits include:

  • Decrease or even consolidating debt
  • Merging with yet another proficient company
  • Spinning off subsidiary company
  • Improving the competitive advantage
  • Making better use of the talent
  • Adding new technologies
  • Reducing the initial costing of the company
  • Concentrating on major products or accounts

So, if you are into the world of business restructuring, make sure to give us a call now. We are right here to address all your needs well.