Resource Management

Data Security

Improved Production Planning and Resource Management

Production planning and control is mainly termed as a procedure that looks for human resources, equipment or machine and raw materials for optimizing efficiency level. PPC, in short will help the manufacturers to just work smartly to allocate internal people resources, machines and material for matching customer’s demands. With increased price point and shorter lead time, it becomes challenging to cover manufacturing the variant management at the same time. That’s why the medium companies are looking for ways to optimize their present production procedures.

Well, the ERP based production planning always remains the heart of modern production companies and for better reasons. Thanks to the ERP module from SPD Consulting Pvt Ltd, now businesses till receive coordination, efficiency and even leveraging of the current production based data. In turn, it helps in driving improvement level.

Time to gain efficiency through our automation services:

With the help of our ERP, you can get to see the entire order management right on your screen. All you need is just one click. It can easily help in converting the automated production proposals right into their work orders by approving the same reports, routing cards, triggering some job tickets and working on the availability check.

Our capacity plan is a part of the ERP module, which offers the finest overview of machine utilization. Not only that, but it will be focusing on backlogs, and bottlenecks. Once you get the chance to shift the work steps, the module will take that change into account and its present impact on MRP or material requirements planning.

Taking care of production under control:

As the suppliers are now way too involved with the product development of customers, the idea of PLM is now of major importance.

  • The production and even development of complex items at various sites with involvement of a large crowd is in need of proper collaboration and coordination.
  • ERP, at this stage, will offer that central database, which will help the team to get access to latest drawings, CAD data and specifications every time.
  • Moreover, the workers can easily check the history anytime they want and seamlessly and even check out on the changes made throughout. So, there won’t be any redundancy or confusion as part of this effort.

Thanks to the production planning and control from our ERP at SPD Consulting, it becomes easier to coordinate, collaborate and streamline your production process. IN the end, it results in an increase value creation.

Resource planner by your side:

Apart from the help with production planning and control, our ERP also houses a versatile resource planner to show you team’s present allocation, and even highlighting some of the trouble spots. It will help the business owners to expand resources and get some extra details. So, for us, managing resources won’t be a tough call. Right from streamlining the resource bookings and requests to even forecasting and allocating resources proactively, our ERP system has it all covered. So, get to our ERP system now for advanced skill searching and tracking.